I Am Human
A poem by Skylar Nichols
I am human.
I have feelings,
A past,
A future,
And a place to be lonely.
I feel.
I smell.
I hear. Luckily.
I see. Fortunately.
And I breathe the same air as everyone else in the world.
It gets tough,
To where I don’t feel the need to breathe that air.
I sometimes think I don’t deserve to be here.
To live.
To love…
To learn.
I just want to drift away,
Into something non-existent.
I feel non-existent.
Like I am nothing,
But eventually I would do anything to be something.
Something as little as a bug,
A fish,
Or even a cat.
As long as I could see what a human could see.
But I am human.
I feel.
I smell.
I hear.
And I see.
But sadly, not even an ant, would want to be me.
~Skylar Nichols